Global Subnational Population


Updated: Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Population statistics using data from Meta/Facebook High Resolution Population Density Maps and WorldPop Unconstrained Individual Countries to create a complete global coverage population raster. Results are aggregated to humanitarian edge-matched boundaries, adjusted so that ADM0 totals match those of the 2022 projections in the United Nations World Population Prospects. The following population datasets are available for download:

  • Meta / Facebook: Data from Meta / Facebook, filling gaps with WorldPop. Contains limited sex and age groups.
  • WorldPop: Data only from WorldPop. Contains no sex or age groups, only totals.
Level Meta / Facebook WorldPop
ADM 0-4 xlsx | csv | json xlsx | csv | json
ADM 0-3 xlsx | csv | json xlsx | csv | json
ADM 0-2 xlsx | csv | json xlsx | csv | json
ADM 0-1 xlsx | csv | json xlsx | csv | json
ADM 0 xlsx | csv | json xlsx | csv | json

Attribution: FieldMaps, United Nations, Meta / Facebook, WorldPop

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Conditions: Derived work must include attributions

Download metadata tables as: json | csv | xlsx